Home Add your own blog flair!

Add your own blog flair!

If you’re looking to personalize your blog further, here are some tips:

  1. Use custom favicons: Follow the directions here.
    • The favicons for this site were generated by Stable Diffusion, which I will cover in another post.
  2. Create new/customize tabs: Very simply, go under the _tabs folder in your blog repo, and duplicate one of the existing markdown files. Each tab has an associated markdown file with it’s name, e.g. about.md for the About tab. Edit the front matter so the tabs have the order you want. Then you can add in your own text and content as you wish. For example, I added a resume section with a PDF copy of my resume.
  3. Update the profile photo: This setting can be found under the _config.yml file under avatar: '/commons/avatar.jpg'. Change '/commons/avatar.jpg' to the location of your desired photo. The profile photo I chose is of myself but generated from Stable Diffusion, again a post for another time.
  4. Update the contact methods: This setting can be found under the _data folder in the contact.yml file. Uncomment whichever additional methods of contact you want to provide. That’s it for now! A few fairly easy modifications that will make your blog feel more authenitcally yours.
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.
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